
Eötvös Loránd University, Harmónia Hall (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter stny 1/A)

Join us on September 12th for a soft skills workshop where you can meet esteemed scientists, hear their personal stories, and gain insights in an informal setting.

Curiosity, passion, and patience are the driving forces behind groundbreaking discoveries! But here's the twist: these qualities alone won't suffice. As we unravel the complex relationships between microbes and their world, we realize that expertise beyond individual efforts is crucial in understanding microbial ecology. During this workshop, prominent scientists will unveil the non-scientific soft skills essential for conducting high-quality research. Discover the strategies for finding collaborators and maintaining networks from Hans-Peter Grossart, a renowned scientist from Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries. Hear from Michaela Salcher about her transformative journey bridging East and West and why she chose to make the Czech Republic her scientific haven. On the flip side, Anna Székely's presentation will delve into her academic odyssey that took her from Eastern origins to embracing the Western academic landscape while transitioning to a slightly alternative academic career path.

Learn the art of effective science communication from Alexandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska, who will showcase the best ways to share your scientific results with the public, the ultimate benefactors of science. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to revolutionize your research and advance our understanding of the world around us.

In the afternoon, embark on a journey into the world of scientific publishing, where careers are shaped and determined. The traditional "publish or perish" approach is under scrutiny, but change comes at a snail's pace, impacting the destiny of aspiring academics. Excelling in science alone is insufficient; your results must be presented in an engaging and accessible manner to navigate editors, reviewers, and peers. Join us for a meeting featuring chief editors of the ISME Journal: Lisa Stein from the University of Alberta and Colin Murrell from the University of East Anglia. Gain invaluable insights into the publishing process from the editors' perspective. Explore pressing topics like ethics, publishing pressures, impact factors, alternative publishing options, predatory journals, and open access. Don't miss this opportunity to shape your publishing success and navigate the ever-evolving scientific landscape.